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更新:2024-07-26 22:17:05
简介:三个故事中,《零摄影》讲述了墨和《坏哥们》的Pa之间的突发事值得观看的理由:该选集系列以独特的方式呈现了三个引人入胜的故事,每个故事都充满了神秘和惊喜。观众将被带入到不同的情节中,体验这些角色在不同环境下的变化和冲突。 在第一个故事中,墨和Pa之间的关系将通过摄影展现出来,带领观众进入一个充满时光旅行和神秘元素的故事中。在第二个故事中,Maki作为一个害怕一切的设计师,与新设计师Fong之间的互动将引发观众不同的情感共鸣。而在第三个故事中,科恩和温之间的甜蜜与冲突将让人不禁思考关系中的支持和重要性。 重写的内容:In "Zero Photography," Ink has been with Pa from "Bad Buddy" for a long time and Pa no longer wants to be photographed by his girlfriend. For some reason, when Ink secretly takes a photo of Pa for the first time, Pa ends up time-traveling back to his high school days. In "Midnight Zero," Maki, a graphic designer who fears everything around her, must work with Fong, a new designer that many girls are attracted to. However, Maki always avoids his eyes because Fong likes to wear round glasses. In "Zero Supporters," Cohen, from "Cupid's Wish," wants to open a bakery in Bangkok and Win decides to leave the farm to support him. But in the chaos of their new project, some of their sweetness towards each other disappears. They get into a fight, and an accident leads to them swapping bodies.详情
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